
Blog Moved

We have now moved this blog to the Spray It Away website.  For all new posts and to follow this blog please go to


50 Pounds in 50 Days!

Well, 49.2lbs actually… nice result with very little effort. That’s what I accomplished on my first round of Spray It Away! Then, following protocol I completed my first maintenance phase, successfully maintaining my weight while learning what I can and cannot eat to stay healthy. I am now on round two and have lost another 15 pounds so far: that’s over 65 pounds lost in total since I began on March 1, 2012! And I’m not done yet.

Counting the pounds seems to be what we’ve been taught to do; it’s an easy measure of progress isn’t it? But losing weight is only one small piece of the story. Isn’t it really about improving one’s health and quality of life?

I believe so, and here is a sampling of what improved health via Spray It Away has done for me…

My feet stopped hurting.
My knees stopped hurting.
My neck stopped hurting.
My head stopped hurting.
Where do you hurt?

I don’t run out of breath anymore.
I don’t snore anymore.
I don’t nap anymore.
I don’t have diarrhea anymore.
What is it that you don’t want to do anymore?

My sleep apnea is gone.
My pitted edema is gone.
My chronic bronchitis is gone.
My arthritis doesn’t bother me anymore.
What ails you?

I fit better on airplanes.
I fit into my car better.
I fit into theater seats again.
I fit on the couch with my wife.
Where would you like to fit?

My blood pressure has dropped.
My cholesterol has dropped.
My pulse rate has dropped.
My blood glucose has dropped.
What do you need to drop?

Getting up off the couch is easier.
Picking something up from the floor is easier.
Tying my shoes is easier.
Playing guitar is easier.
Would you like things to be easier?

I am more motivated.
I am more confident.
I am more energetic.
I am more joyful.
What would you like more of?

I walk 5km daily with ease.
I go on bike rides with my daughter.
I can shop for hours.
I can keep up with the kids.
What would you like to participate in?

Grocery shopping is less complicated.
I can shop in “normal” clothing stores again.
Cooking meals is simpler.
I actually want to do things again.
Wouldn’t that be nice?

But best of all; my family is following my lead toward a healthier
lifestyle. And that is priceless!

Healthy or unhealthy? The choice is ours alone to make. Which will you

Feeling great thanks to Spray It Away!
Blair in Vancouver, BC


The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 7): Drugs Cigarettes Alcohol…and Sugar?

UCTV Blog – A public health researcher offers insights and data about sugar regulation:
Skinny on Obesity website:
UCSF experts offer a frank indictment of the country’s agricultural policy and food industry, which have made it nearly impossible to avoid sugar in our daily diet, and suggestions for possible remedies. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”


The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 6): A Fast-Paced Fast Food Life

Series website:
How stressed are you? Take the quiz:
Episode 6 website (resources/links):
Mindfulness, Meditation & Stress Reduction playlist:
The pace of modern life is a key contributor to today’s obesity epidemic. UCSF’s Elissa Epel and Barbara Laraia explain the stress connection and offer practical and effective solutions that don’t involve dieting and exercise. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”


The Skinny on Obesity (Extra): Four Sweet Tips from Dr. Lustig

Throughout “The Skinny on Obesity” series, Dr. Robert Lustig has made his case that sugar is a toxin that’s fueling the obesity epidemic. But what does he recommend we do about it in our daily lives? Here Dr. Lustig offers four useful tips to help you and your kids steer clear of excess sugar and overeating. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”


The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 5): Generation XL

An unnerving trend of obese infants is just one indication that obesity can be passed on from mother to fetus. This installment looks towards the next generation, with an emphasis on preventive care and pre-natal health. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”


X2O – a great product

Enjoy this video by Dr Triglia on the power of the X2O product.

You may also go directly to to check it out.



23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

A Doctor-Professor answers the old question “What is the single best thing we can do for our health” in a completely new way. Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital.


The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 4): Sugar – A Sweet Addiction

Sugar isn’t just sweet, it’s addictive. This episode explores the cycle of addiction that sugar causes in the brain, much in the same way as drugs and alcohol. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”


The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 3): Hunger and Hormones- A Vicious Cycle

Sugar impacts the brain just as much as the waistline. In this episode, Dr. Robert Lustig explains the biochemical shifts that sugar causes, making us store fat and feel hungry at the same time. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”