
Happy New Year!! Make it a great one :)

A brand new year has just arrived – the old has gone…the new has come!  Happy New Year, everyone!!

I love new beginnings, don’t you?  A clean slate…a fresh start…another chance.  With the new year here I hope that you have spent some time taking stock of the year you’ve just spent and I hope you’ve invested some time into thinking of things that you want to accomplish in 2012.   Time taken for reflection and contemplation followed with dreaming and planning is always time well spent.

Perhaps you’ve even set some New Year’s Resolutions!  Congratulations!  By definition, a resolution is ‘a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner’.  That’s great!  Go for it!  Decisions followed by commitment & dedication & a plan will lead you to success.  Contrary to popular belief you CAN follow thru on your resolutions.  In order for some of you to reach your goals this year you may need to take the ‘s’ in the word ‘resolution’ and change it to a ‘v’ making the word ‘revolution’.  By definition, a revolution is ‘a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving’!

Perhaps we should call the Spray It Away program the ‘Spray It Away Revolution’!!  I can tell you from personal experience that there have been some drastic changes in many of the ways I think & behave in regards to food…and I’m still learning & growing – sometimes falling but always getting up again!  Whether you are beginning your very 1st round of Spray It Away or whether it’s your 3rd or 4th round …don’t quit until you’ve reached your goal.  For some of you your goal may be reached by following the program for a half round where for others it may be a year and a half plus plan.  Whatever it is – don’t stop believing in yourself.  You can do it!

Here are 3 ways to help ensure that you can and will reach your physical body weight goal:

  1. Have a plan and commit to it wholeheartedly Spray It Away has given you exactly that – a plan and a journal to track it!  You always know where you are and how you are doing.  Commitment is key. Daily make the decision to follow the plan and you WILL reach your goal!
  2. Ask your family & friends & co-workers to support you in your goal to reach your ideal weight This is SO powerful!  When you have people on your side supporting you, encouraging you, & keeping you accountable they can be a tremendous motivation to help you stay on program.  If you do not have this support then learn to encourage yourself.  Write & post notes for yourself such as; “You can do it!”, “You’re looking awesome!”, “You are strong!”, “I’m worth it!”, or “I’m taking care of me!”
  3. Keep your goals in front of you always Write your ultimate goal down & read it everyday.  See yourself already reaching it.  Post a picture of yourself at your heaviest to remind you where you started & where you never want to be again.  Also, post a picture of what you will look like when you reach your goal.  It could be a picture of yourself from years past or a picture of someone who you’d like to look like. Write reminders in all sorts of places: your bedroom closet, bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, in the snack cupboard, on your vehicle visor, at your desk, etc.

“Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.”~ T. Harv Eker

As this new year begins I’d like to encourage you to set some ‘revolutions’!  Take time to plan and prepare to become a better ‘you’ in every area of your life!

We wish you all the best!  And again…Happy New Year!!

🙂 Christine